Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Where did my summer go??

Well I'll tell you, the summer used to be a time of joy and pleasure as a child. As a singleton it was a time for fun with friends... and then after marriage it was a time of enjoying Brewers and fun times out with family and friends. Now, nearly 6 years into marriage, 2 children mixed, shaken poured over ice, then add in a new part time job for a out of the work force Mommy, and nursing school... and time escapes quicker than it is created!

I haven't been great at keeping up, but I will be doing better thanks to a nice kick in the pants my friend Jennifer gave me (my butt still hurts btw). :)

Well I will sum up my summer with pictures:

Bye-bye old house... (June 2)

Yearly trip to MKE Zoo (June 21)

Our trip to Grand Mamman's House "Far... Far... Away" (CT) (June 30)

The girls' first "Cone Head" sundae from Friendly's (July 3)

Wisconsin State Fair (August 4)

Brewers Game (August 11)

Daddy & Emmy happy as can be!

Katie our Lefty!

(where do you find a lefty girly glove... that's where the $$ is)

Well that's a short summer in review... throw in work, moving, driving cross country, and enjoying family... I wouldn't have changed it for anything.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

OMG, I'm about to have a heart attack. You updated your blog! WTG girly. Ok, so that picture of Katie with the ice cream all over her face cracked me up. Best picture ever...until I saw the pictureof Emmy in the stroller and Katie "pushing" it. Very nice!

Drop an east coast girl in the midwest... and see what happens!